The ramblings of a developer
Recently, a weaverPix user emailed in:
Gregory, I realize one can add captions to weaverPix images by using a TXT file. Im trying to request something else: is there a way to automatically display the name of the image file? Heres why: I have a big collection of photos (old scans) that Im having family members from across the country view. I would like them to be able to identify certain photos theyd like to be spiffied up and put into a permanent collection. It would help this process a lot if they could simply refer to the name of the image instead of trying to describe it in their own words. Is there some way of doing that with weaverPix as is now? If not, is this a feature that could be added in the future? Many thanks, and I hope the new job is going well! - Mathew
The answer is, yes. You can easily create all of the textfiles for a directory of images using Automator. The attached Automator action will create a text file for each image in a given directory. The contents of the text file will have the image name as the first line thats it! Now, when these images are published to the server, weaverPix will read the text file for the caption.
How to use the Automator action:
PS. This project is open sourced over at github.