The Chillidog Software Blog

The ramblings of a developer

Publish like a Pro. Woof your site size down.

Today, I'd like to share a little bit about how I personally publish my RapidWeaver site. I am going to skip the nitty gritty geeky Git part of my workflow to focus on the 4 steps I take everytime I publish. Without further ado, they are:

  1. Export my site to a local folder
  2. Run the export folder through Image Optim
  3. Run the export folder through
  4. Upload/publish the export folder by hand

This process reduces the size of Chillidog Software by over 17%!

Here are my settings. Note that the important options are:

  • 'Minify only, do not obfuscate local symbols'
  • 'Output filename: The same as source'
  • 'Save minified files to: the same folder as source' settings

That's it! The best part about this is that you're reducing your site's size and increasing it's performance at the same time!

Have a favorite optimization tool? Please post it in the comments below.

Your top dog, Greg