The Chillidog Software Blog

The ramblings of a developer

Site of the Week - Inside Pixars Leadership Scott Berkun

Link: Site of the Week - Inside Pixars Leadership Scott Berkun

This is a GREAT interview with Ed Catmull, the President of Pixar.

What really strikes me is Ed’s position on what it takes to prevent Pixar from being it’s own worst enemy. Ed has the notion that something is inherently WRONG with Pixar’s cultureand he doesn’t know what it is.

“There’s something going on here, and I don’t know what it is.” ~Ed Catmull

This is in the opposite position that many large companies take. These companies (maybe righteously so) feel that “we do things this way because we’ve always done it this way.” I, however, doubt that very many modern companies have had such a long (and repeated) stretch of success as Pixar.

Maybe this is something that should catch on..

via lifehacker