The Chillidog Software Blog

The ramblings of a developer

Celebrate Penny's 1st Birthday with (free) Chillidog dog treats

Penny recently turned 1 and we want to celebrate her birthday with you! That's why we will be sending everyone who signs up some delicious (and free) dog treats. The recipe we will be using is: 2 1/2 cups garbanzo flour (we may substitute quinoa flour if it is easier to obtain) 2 1/2 tablespoon... Read more.

Publish like a Pro. Woof your site size down.

Today, I'd like to share a little bit about how I personally publish my RapidWeaver site. I am going to skip the nitty gritty geeky Git part of my workflow to focus on the 4 steps I take everytime I publish. Without further ado, they are: Export my site to a local folder Run the export folder thro... Read more.

Improve your SEO; Quickly and Easily Sniff out broken links and images

Broken links and images hurt your seo. Check for broken links and correct HTML. Checking your entire site, however, can be an incredibly tedius task. Thankfully, scanning your entire site is both easy and free. Integrity is a free application on the Mac App Store that allows you to identify th... Read more.

Take your site to doggy school with a YSlow report card

Grading your website's performance can be difficult. How do you know the changes you've made are good or bad? How do you what the best practices are? How do you know what you should focus on that needs the most improvements? Thankfully, there is YSlow from Yahoo. YSlow is a browser extension that in... Read more.

Chillidog Hosting makes reboots a it's lunch

Updates are important for security, performance, and compatibility. You update often (right?!) your computer and, when complete, what do you do? You restart it. This works okay for your desktop, but what about your website? Website downtime is a much bigger headache. You may rely on your website f... Read more.

Helping a 10yr old's birthday wish come true

Since 2012, we have made a pledge to our customers to take actionable steps towards being green. We, however, wanted real change rather than carbon offsets. As a result, we committed to donating to having a real tree planted every year for every user at Chillidog Hosting. This year, however, we'd l... Read more.

Cut down on the treats, your website is going on a diet

Google recently announced that their bots will start executing Javascript on your site. This is huge. This means that now your images, text, and resources loaded within your Stacks or other Javascript files can be indexed by Google. As a result, search terms will be more relevant for the content on... Read more.

The bark and bite behind Filelinks in RapidWeaver

@leif_ottosson via Twitter wanted to understand how File links work in RapidWeaver and the pros and cons behind the different options. What are File links? File Links are, as the name suggests, are the URLs generated by RapidWeaver to assets on your site. This includes Resources, Site Logos, and S... Read more.

One more thing.. Extra treats for all!

There is one more thing that I failed to mention when we upgraded to the power and speed of SSDs. We also increased everyone's disk space and bandwidth! That's right, we've gone ahead and added an additional 25% more 1 for free. The new plans are: Cocktail 750MB storage, 7.5GB bandwidth Frankfuter... Read more.

Chillidog launches the first (and only) 100% SSD RapidWeaver Hosting

It's official! We're now 100% SSD powered. to add icing on the cake, we also slipped a couple of other goodies in there that I'd like to tell everyone about. We bumped the number of CPU cores by 2.5x. This means faster handling and processing of database queries and PHP files. We increased the a... Read more.